What is Gracelets?Gracelets is principally a fusion of two main stream technologies, JSF 1.2 and Groovy, including direct support for Facelets. Gracelets is a Domain Specific Language (DSL) for JSF web application development. What does Gracelets Offer?Gracelets provides support for writing JSF views, backing beans and controllers and component libraries using Groovy. Groovy Closures can optionally be used as an alternative to the Expression Language. Practically all components can be modified and reloaded without application redeployment, which can speed up JSF view, controller and component development by at least a three-fold magnitude. Gracelets provides Groovy Bindings allowing you to simply reference your JSF contextual environment. There are extensions for using Gracelets with JBoss Seam, ICE Faces and other technologies. What direct benefits will you gain?Your investment in Gracelets will pay off in JSF development time alone. With Gracelets Controllers you can still keep development time to a minimum and also maintain the MVC design pattern. Gracelets strives to utilize and integrate already existing technologies and will soon support JSF 2.0. Your views, controllers and component libraries will be compatible with newer versions. Important NEWSGracelets 2.0.0.SP2 Released!! |
Last Updated: 01/17/2010 09:24PM MST | © Gracelets 2008-2010 |