Here you can see what plans and/or ideas are in store for future versions of Gracelets.
Plans & Ideas for Gracelets 2.1.0
Support latest Groovy Features (1.6.4+).
Support abstract request facade to integrate with Portlets more smoothly
Integrate into JSF 2.0
Make seamless integration with JavaFX, being able to define them right
inside your view (with a special builder) and have them interact easily
with your jsf application and jsf views.
Create a new type of component: replaceable render template. This will allow
you to define components that can be rendered in logical sections/sub sections
and yet inside the view you can override or extend the rendering logic so that
you can easily modify how a component is rendered for specific situations or
Create component and page level filtering, were you can create a filter (or
a chain of filters) so that you can run the rendered output of a component or
page through these filters and have more control over what actually ends up in
the browser. The filters could find elements in a similiar fashion as jQuery
but on the server side.
If you like one or more of the ideas above, would like to suggest a new one or have comments
in regards to the next version of Gracelets, your comments are welcome. You can communicate your
ideas via the User Forum