Reference Manual for Gracelets - Logo
2.0 - Tutorial : null
Gracelets will run fine in any Java Servlet container, like Tomcat. Gracelets Server embeds tomcat and adds some extra functionality that is dicussed in the Gracelets Server section. You can download the latest version of gracelets server here.

To install just unzip the downloaded file which should create a gracelets_server sub directory which will be the root of the server.

Project Directory Structure

The following is a basic directory structure and contents of a gracelet server web application:

You will find this structure ready for following this tutorial in the server/application directory off the server root. Now you should be able to start Gracelets Server by doing the following:
C:\>cd C:\Gracelets\gracelets_server
C:\Gracelets\gracelets_server>java -jar startup.jar
You should be able to navigate to the main page. (something like http://localhost:8080/index.jsf)