Gracelets - Community Logo


Gracelets welcomes all community support and involvement. There is a Gracelets Forum for those that would like to get more involved.

In order to facilitate community involvement at the coding level, Gracelets projects use Maven 2.

Getting the latest code

Gracelets is being developed with Eclipse 3.5. And all of the projects are ready to be checked out using Eclipse. In addition you will need the Groovy Eclipse plugin, the SVN Eclipse Plugin (subeclipse) and the Maven 2 Eclipse plugin.

You can get these plugins for Eclipse 3.5 by adding these eclipse add-ons (see Help menu, Software Updates):
The SVN trunk for all Gracelets code is:

SVN Repository Branch URL's
Gracelets 3.0.0+ SVN Repository Layout
API 3.0.0 BranchAlpha/api/3.0.0Eclipse/Maven
Standard Implementation 3.0Alpha/implementation/standard/3.0Eclipse/Maven
Mojarra Integration 3.0Alpha/integration/mojarra/2.0Eclipse/Maven