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6.2 - Appendix : Utilities
The following are options you can configure for gracelets.

Gracelet Utilities

If a gracelet view is composed and placed in a directory called gracelet.util and that under any META-INF directory in the class path or in a gracelet.util root package, that gracelet view can be accessed via the web browser. Since this is primarily used for utilities it is important that there be security measures taken. While in facelets.DEVELOPMENT mode the ability to access these utility views is automatically turned on, while when not in development mode the opposite is true, this feature is disabled by default.

These utility views can be accessed via a special url that is relative to your web application context. One utility that comes with gracelets is the Control Panel utility. It gives some interesting statistics about each view and allows you to see what libraries, extensions, factories, controllers and web.xml/faces-config.xml config are currently loaded in your application. You can also reload/re-scan for new controllers and libraries that have been added after the application has been deployed.

The special url is /gracelet.util/, that would be after your context root and before the view in question. So, for instance, if you had a web context root of /myapp/ on your localhost on port 8080, and assuming your default JSF suffix is .jsf, you could access the control panel utility via the following url: http://localhost:8080/myapp/gracelet.util/gracelets/control.jsf

The following table shows some options you can use to control this feature:

Gracelet Utility View web.xml Options
Init Param NamePossible ValuesDescription
gracelets.UTILtrue|false If true then users that can see jsf pages off the context root path can view utility views. If false then no one can see the utility views.
gracelets.UTILROLErole name If the above option is enabled, you are using servlet authentication you can specify the role that the current user must be in in order to view utility views.