The following are context parameter settings you can specify in your web.xml to configure how Gracelets will function for certain features.
Some of these are covered in more detail in other parts of this manual, but this is a general overview of all the available settings.
Conversation Timeout
You can specify the net.sf.gracelets.conversation.timeout setting in your web.xml if you are not using another context framework like JBoss Seam. Since
Gracelets comes with its own default conversation context when not using other frameworks as mentioned, it has its own default conversation timeout
which defaults to 10 minutes. You can override that default timeout with the above setting. For example, below we increase the timeout to 15 minutes
expressed in milliseconds:
web.xml fragment showing override setting for conversation timeout
You can write utility views inside of third party Gracelets libraries that can be accessed from the web context whose class path they belong to.
You can read more about that here. The following shows the settings and what they are for.
First you can set the gracelets.UTIL web.xml context parameter. It defaults to false if the facelets development parameter is true.
If the facelets development parameter is false this defaults to true. If false, no utility views can be displayed. If true utility views can be accessed.
If you want to enable utility views but want to limit access, you can specify the gracelets.UTILROLE context parameter so that a user
must be logged in and have a certain role before being allowed access to utility views. Below is an example web.xml fragment where we say that utility
views are enabled but the web client user must have the 'Developer' role in order to access them: